Ricky Singh 30/12/12
Im taking this time to look back on what a year 2012 has been. Im not going to lie and say how great it has been and its been easy, Yes its probably been best year in business but its been very tough and challenging at times.
Im still here though I got through it all, with some very good good people around me and they all know who they are and I thank you for all your support and kindness in 2012.
Im very proud of the Personal Training Client Base that I have now in Glasgow and the base that has come through another great year in Ayrshire, Its been a great year all in all, its definitely been one of my best.
What made it good has to be my clients consistently turning up to sessions and giving 110%, its amazing for me to help clients achieve what they sometimes feel is impossible with a visit to uncomfortable situations (my training programmes). Its never going to be easy as it takes hard work and dedication, the one size fits all programmes or the gym memberships don’t work for everyone, sometimes you really do have to take the plunge and hire the best.
As my good friend Jean Pierre De Villers says its “about taking a clients body from comfortable to un comfortable” that sums it up because no one will ever get any results at anything working from your comfort zone.
My clients do say I am a different person when I am training during sessions, and change after its complete. I always ensure 100% they are safe with me because I really do care for them. I make sure we get results as my business and reputation as number 1 is on the line, so I cant just coast a client through a program its got to be challenging, enjoyable and safe.
New People in my Life
Im very lucky to have met some amazing people this year and all of whom have become friends, I just showed how much of an impact that I have made on peoples lives as at this years Business Awards Ceremony I took 22 of my clients that all train with me that was very humbling for me. Also this year was the year I met my partner so business and personally its been a great year.
Learn more than Is Needed
I have to admit that I’m very proud of the courses I did this year. I spent thousands on them and its been the best investment I have made, I travelled up and down the UK training and learning with the countries best, but now looking back its all been worth while, its been a great experience and looking forward to more of it in 2013, why would you not invest in yourself, you never know it all.
“learn more than normal”
Clients Results
Results is what I’m all about, I want clients getting results and if they don’t I need to know why and whats gone wrong. I can say proudly that everyone who is currently training with me is consistently getting results we work as a team and put the hard work in, I go away and learn more and my clients work hard and we get there its a tough process thats working and were all happy.
The Launch of my New Website
I think I always wanted Ricky Singh to become a leader too as well as Team Singh which is a hugely successful company that will now be ran by my trainers and me. I toyed with it for ages as it then becomes about Ricky Singh, but then it made me think what am I and what am I about, well thinking I’m all about people I’m here in life and my purpose is to help and serve clients and allow them to experience a higher quality of life, I aim to transform people life’s by changing their mind and body together. I can assure everyone that their is no ego or big headedness about me, I just want to help people change their life’s, lots of trainers can use self acclaim and call themselves the best, but thats not me.
Im just happy doing what I do, I’m NOT interested in the 30 sessions a week and cash in hand at the end of the week, for me thats not a purpose in life its just a job. I don’t work I passionately love what I do and I get a huge amount of satisfaction from my business.
I’m all about learning more myself so I can give what I have learned onto my clients so that they can benefit from my education too.
“deliver more than is needed”
My Highlights of 2012
My highlights this year are im thankful of the people I have met and have been introduced too, the launch of my new website, my career development, clients transformations and the KPI event I attended and met loads of Inspirational and Game Changing Professionals including Jean Pierre De Villers, who I can say has went on to become a good friend of mine.